Web Development Tutorial's

By Prathamesh Dhande
My Goal 🎯 :
⭐⭐ To become a Python/Django Developer to apply Skills like Artifical Intelligence, Machine Learning & Data Science
Tutorial Available

More Tutorial Will be Comming Soon

Projects Covered In this Tutorials
Calculator Image
Simple Calculator

Simple Functionality Calculator Made with Pure CSS, Javascript and HTML as a beginner Project in Javascript.

netflix clone landing page image
Netflix Clone

Netflix Landing Page Clone made with pure HTML and CSS as the beginner project in CSS.

flag image
India Flag

India Flag with Rotating Ashok Chakra made with Pure CSS on Independence day.

Todo output image
Todo App

Todo App made with the Javascript and LocalStorage in the way of learning Javascript with CSS framework Bootstrap.

Tic Tac Toe Game Image
Tic Tac Toe Game

Tic Tac Toe Game Made using Javascript, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap as the beginner Project of the Bootstrap + Javascript.

Quiz Home Page Image
Quiz App

Quiz App made with React, Material UI, Material Design Bootstrap, Lazy Loading, React-Bootstrap and Quiz Api as the beginner Project for React. First React Project.

Board Home Page
Virtual Keyboard

Virtual Keyboard made using HTML, CSS, JS and Bootstrap. Supports only for desktop mode with caps, shift, spacebar and tab Functionality. Project Created to refresh my html,css and js concepts.

DashBoard Home Page
Admin DashBoard

Admin Dashboard made using React JS and ant design the data is provided by Dummy JSON.

Flask Todo app
Flask Todo App

Flask Todo App is a simple yet powerful task management application built using Flask and Python. With this app, you can easily add and organize your todos by providing a title and description for each task. The app includes robust error handling to ensure a seamless user experience.

FeedbackForm Flask App
Feedback Form Flask App

A Flask-based feedback form that collects user feedback on products. It stores data in MongoDB and offers CSV download functionality. Built with Python, Flask, Pandas, and Bootstrap.


DumpAPI is a Flask RESTful API with JWT token authentication, storing department and employee data in a free cloud PostgreSQL database with password hashing for security.

2nd Product API

A 2nd Product API made with FastAPI is similar to OLX, allowing users to register, login for access token. Sell, buy, and explore products, search by query or tag.

React Login Page
React Login Page

Project based on React, vite and TailwindCSS to apply it in the react application.This is simple login page.

Film Fiesta
Film Fiesta

Film Fiesta Project created as the project for typescript. The project is created using Vite, React and Typescript also though used Framer Motion for animation and TailwindCSS for minimalist of Writing the CSS.

Simple Website
MERN Website

Its a Simple MERN website created with help of ExpressJS with TypeScript and Frontend with help of React. The website Features the login, Register and admin Panel Functionality.
